Monday, October 5, 2015

Mr Bean

1. traffic cones
are usally used to divert traffic

2. walking stick

is a wooden object which helps eldery people walk  driver
is someone who works driving a car 

4. number plates
a plastic or metal plate with numbers attached to a vehicle

5. ticket
us a made of paper 

Which word  did not appear in the film?

Watch it once again and answer the questions:

  1. They play Titanic at the cinema.

2. Mr. Bean uses trafic cones to help him park his car.

3. Mr. Bean`s car is green.

4. What fell into the hole?

a small ,dirty car

5. What are Mr. Bean`s numer plates? 

 STE 952R

6. The old lady from the taxi uses a walking stick to walk better.

7. The taxi driver is wearing a beige shirt, black trousers , a green hat .

8.What colour is Mr. Bean`s tie? 

Is red. 

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